by Mr. Mean-Spirited
Alferd Packer, that quintessential cannibal of the Old West, unfortunately didn’t leave us any recipes, but he did provide an infallible way of disposing with pesty liberals that works to this day. When Alferd Packer, the conservative Colorado Cannibal, was convicted of feasting on human flesh, the judge sentenced him by complaining: “When yah came to Hinsdale County, there was siven Dimmycrats. But you, yah et five of 'em, goddam yah.” (Got to love the way they rendered dialect back in the 19th Century.) Say what you like about a guy who eats human tissue – but Alferd Packer knew how to deal with busy-body Democrats.
Those do-gooders who feel a need to dictate every aspect of your life were as much of a nuisance back in the Wild West as they are today. Communitarians were as much of an annoyance in the Gold Rush era as they are in today’s society. Alferd Packer chanced upon the only sensible way to respond to idealists: after all, you can’t reason with liberals; you can’t present any evidence that would cause liberal to realize the error of their ways; you can’t ever get liberals to change their mind. In olden days as well as modern times, there is only one way to deal with bleeding hearts: cook and consume them.
Then as now, a humanitarian is always the greatest menace to your very freedom. There is only one way to eliminate the threat of idealists: cannibalize them. You might as well go all anthropophagous with an altruist. Slice-and-dice is the best way to deal with somebody always talking about self-sacrifice. Whenever you hear the word “benevolence,” you ought to reach for your bone saw. If you can’t beat them, then eat them.
After all, Democrats are always talking how the most important thing in the world is just to feed the hungry – Alferd Packer simply gave liberals a chance to prove their words.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Saturday, October 25, 2014
by Mr. Mean-Spirited
No 12-step program ever healed anything, such behavioral re-indoctrination will only destroy your true nature – these “treatment” scams merely replace one intoxicant with a toxic helplessness. Confessing that you are powerless is not fixing anything – but only making you even more needy. Appealing to a higher power is merely going to make you dependent upon an even more-expensive substance. Just as a well-trained sprinter would never give up running when he feels a wee bit tired – just as a genuine athlete continue until he gets a “second wind,” so an alcoholic must find the courage to push through and to take another drink when he reaches rock bottom.
An alcoholic who is sober has not changed his true nature, but the boozer is merely denying who he truly is. A tee-totaling alcoholic is living a lie. An honest man empties the shot glass. Abstinence is for moral weaklings.
Obviously, not every alcoholic is going to triumph in finding his drinking tempo, but a 12-step program condemns you to fail from the start. Sure, you might not succeed in spacing-out your liquor, but an alcoholic who drinks on his own timetable has shown his mettle. An alcoholic who continues drinking on his own schedule has accepted his fate. Better to be true to your sodden nature than living a sober lie.
To be sure, some characters are going to die of alcoholism – but their fate is to succumb no matter what they do. They are meant to die, and they do not concern us. (You need not ever concern yourself with the victims.) If you are an alcoholic, then you were meant to be an alcoholic – you shouldn't trust to change your fate, but celebrate your destiny with a toast.
The most courageous soul is one who accepts his fate. A brave man takes another drink. An alcoholic who remains sober is just another coward; healing will never occur until the alcoholic has learned to hold his liquor. Recovery is always proven by a neat row of downed shot glasses. An alcoholic who is able to pace his drinking has attained mastery over life and liquor.
Never trust a man who won’t take a drink.
you are an alcoholic, you need to drink-up and shut-up.
you are a problem drinker, then the only way that you are ever going to find a
cure is simply to keep substance-abusing.
You’re not ever going to be able to control your life unless you persist
in your addictions; you need to continue your liquor consumption until you can
control your compulsions. You do not
give up booze, but you accept your fate and celebrate your destiny with a
is like everything else in life: your skill improves with practice. Proficiency is never achieved by giving up
your calling. Prowess can only ever be attained
by continuing with your routine as long as it takes – if your destiny is booze,
then you need to stay with it until you can completely control your habit. Mastery is only going to be acquired by
keeping-up with your drinking.
No 12-step program ever healed anything, such behavioral re-indoctrination will only destroy your true nature – these “treatment” scams merely replace one intoxicant with a toxic helplessness. Confessing that you are powerless is not fixing anything – but only making you even more needy. Appealing to a higher power is merely going to make you dependent upon an even more-expensive substance. Just as a well-trained sprinter would never give up running when he feels a wee bit tired – just as a genuine athlete continue until he gets a “second wind,” so an alcoholic must find the courage to push through and to take another drink when he reaches rock bottom.
An alcoholic who is sober has not changed his true nature, but the boozer is merely denying who he truly is. A tee-totaling alcoholic is living a lie. An honest man empties the shot glass. Abstinence is for moral weaklings.
Obviously, not every alcoholic is going to triumph in finding his drinking tempo, but a 12-step program condemns you to fail from the start. Sure, you might not succeed in spacing-out your liquor, but an alcoholic who drinks on his own timetable has shown his mettle. An alcoholic who continues drinking on his own schedule has accepted his fate. Better to be true to your sodden nature than living a sober lie.
To be sure, some characters are going to die of alcoholism – but their fate is to succumb no matter what they do. They are meant to die, and they do not concern us. (You need not ever concern yourself with the victims.) If you are an alcoholic, then you were meant to be an alcoholic – you shouldn't trust to change your fate, but celebrate your destiny with a toast.
The most courageous soul is one who accepts his fate. A brave man takes another drink. An alcoholic who remains sober is just another coward; healing will never occur until the alcoholic has learned to hold his liquor. Recovery is always proven by a neat row of downed shot glasses. An alcoholic who is able to pace his drinking has attained mastery over life and liquor.
Never trust a man who won’t take a drink.
Friday, October 17, 2014
by Mr. Mean-Spirited
Surely you are not naïve enough to believe that you will be getting uncontaminated food in any restaurant. Commercial food is a kind of spittoon for the accumulated resentment of underpaid workers. Fast food is a receptacle for discarded mucus of those who have taken umbrage against you.
The employees at every bistro have a lottery going to see who can get the most repulsive items into the customer's mouth. Every gourmet restaurant has got a contest going among the staff to see who can get the customers to swallow the most disgusting object. Consider of every meal as a sort of practical joke in which the evidence gets eaten. Think of the dining establishment as a place where body waste gets recycled into the mouths of other people. Chew on that for a while.
The maître d’ might bow when he leads you to your table, but in the stockroom he is wiping his bowel movement onto your garlic bread. The server might wink when he recommends the daily special, but in the pantry, he’s masturbating into your goulash. Don’t you ever wonder why that salad dressing always tastes a bit off? The waiter may smile when he is at your table pocketing the tip, but you can be certain that in the kitchen he is spitting in your food.
The customer is always in the most victimized party in any transaction. If the client knows that he will be placing himself in a vulnerable position, it is best to avoid the situation altogether. The chef is always going to get the better of any dinner guest.
Would you like some fish with those phlegm balls? Would you like me to freshen-up that beverage with a little warm piss?
The employees at every bistro have a lottery going to see who can get the most repulsive items into the customer's mouth. Every gourmet restaurant has got a contest going among the staff to see who can get the customers to swallow the most disgusting object. Consider of every meal as a sort of practical joke in which the evidence gets eaten. Think of the dining establishment as a place where body waste gets recycled into the mouths of other people. Chew on that for a while.
The maître d’ might bow when he leads you to your table, but in the stockroom he is wiping his bowel movement onto your garlic bread. The server might wink when he recommends the daily special, but in the pantry, he’s masturbating into your goulash. Don’t you ever wonder why that salad dressing always tastes a bit off? The waiter may smile when he is at your table pocketing the tip, but you can be certain that in the kitchen he is spitting in your food.
The customer is always in the most victimized party in any transaction. If the client knows that he will be placing himself in a vulnerable position, it is best to avoid the situation altogether. The chef is always going to get the better of any dinner guest.
Would you like some fish with those phlegm balls? Would you like me to freshen-up that beverage with a little warm piss?
Monday, October 6, 2014
by Mr. Mean-Spirited
is not a system designed to maximize individual liberty – as much as representative
government is actually a structure devised to restrict freedom as much as
possible. Bureaucratic systems always exist for the benefit of the bureaucrats
– not for the individual citizens.
Voting wasn’t conceived to profit the voters as much as to pamper the
elected officials. Democracy was
deliberately created to enslave the population.
Government officials have a weird
psychological compulsion to control your life. The kind of personality attracted to government
employment always has a psychological need to control as many human beings as
much as possible. The bureaucratic mind
has a personality flaw that manifests itself as a compulsion to regulate
citizens. The more restrictions that the
civil servant can inflict upon the citizen, the more virtuous the functionary
can feel about himself. Each new
governmental prohibition helps to civil servant to feel that he is
accomplishing something. The goal of the
psychopaths in public office is to maximize conformity. Government authorities get a weird thrill out
of humiliating citizens with pointless regulations. The ultimate goal of an idealist officeholder
is to force you to live whatever he believes to be idealistic existence; the
humanitarian official just wants to require you to live whatever he happens to
feel is humane.
Governments realize their goal of
restricting freedom through incremental regulations. Limiting
freedoms is, flat out, more easily accomplished under a democratic government
than with any other system.
Self-determination is eradicated incrementally with each new
regulation. The elites expand social
control by one well-intentioned law after the other. Legislators never repeal regulations upon the
people; instead, they always increase the number of rules a person is expected
to obey. Democracy takes away your
liberty by one innocuous law after the other.
Democracy controls more areas of life
than any other political system. If one were to compare that the amount
of liberty seized by a communist administration with that snagged by modern
mass democracy, you will discover that the largest quality of restrictions upon
the individual citizen will always be put in place by the elected
representatives. Add together the sheer
quantity of minute restrictions, and you will find that more of an individual’s
life is under the control of the democratic rulers than would be permissible
under any other form of government.
Calculate the total number of innocuous regulations put in place by
elected legislators and you will conclude that more of your life is controlled
by a democratic government than ever would be possible under any other
political system.
a ban on plastic bags may seem a relative insignificant piece of legislation, the
prohibition is deliberately designed to appear innocuous. Yet it is a law that affects an individual
multiple times and in multiple locations each day. While a restriction on abortion might only
impact a woman once in life (maybe a couple times for a confirmed strumpet),
these do-gooder regulations alter your daily activity pattern. Just is the intent of brainwashing is to
change the way that you behave, the intention of elected legislators is to
modify your social interaction. Elected
official always manipulate the behavior of the constituents; citizens never
determine shit.
Democracy requires that you devote more
of your time to observance of bureaucratic regulations than under any other
political structure. Modern servitude
comes about by taking away freedom in small amounts. Not only are these constraints less
noticeable when spread out into various areas of daily life, but the individual
citizen is affected more often each and every day by governmental interference. The sheer amount of time an individual spends
in compliance to official regulations is greater under democracy than any other
political structure. The Internal
Revenue Service not only restricts your financial freedom, but the bureaucrats
also demand that you document your compliance to their regulations. The planning commission not only dictates
what you can do with your own property but also demand that you file a building
plan to ensure your conformity.
Bureaucrats want their tyranny to appear
less menacing by getting you to participate. Democracy is deliberately
designed to keep you from realizing your loss of freedom by having you
participate in the oppression. Representatives seem to imagine that, if they
take away your liberty by one miniscule law at a time, citizens will never
recognize the pattern – especially if the subject is given busy work like
filling out ballots.
Democratic despotism is always justified
in name of keeping you safe.
Legislators might tell you not to drink soda or instruct you not to eat
French fries cooked in the wrong kind oil – but the bureaucrat’s goal is not to
make you live healthy, but to control every aspect of your life. The government does not grope your genitals
at the airport to keep you safe, but to demonstrate bureaucratic ownership over
your body. Democracy
takes away your freedom one airport pat-down at a time. You lose your liberty one shopping-bag ban at
a time.
goal of democracy is for the elected officials to tell you how to live. The establishment
isn’t interested in self-reliance, but state-reliance. The bureaucrats don’t want self-control, but
social-control. A democratic system is
most oppressive style of government ever devised. Democracy is a means of camouflaging
tyranny. Participatory democracy is a
way of concealing totalitarianism.