by Mr. Mean-Spirited
In a multinational world, happiness is pretty much mandatory. If your somber nature isn’t technically illegal, the good citizens will react as if it is totally immoral. If being sullen isn’t actually a crime, then the altruists will attempt to make it one.
Communitarians have the attitude that there must be something wrong with you if you aren’t having fun. Mainstream citizens will think that you must have some psychological issues if you aren’t enjoying yourself. Decent folk will assume you have mental problems if you aren’t always happy.
In this multicultural community, you are required to be joyful. In a country run by rampant humanitarians, you better be cheerful if you know what’s good for you. If you want to stay out of trouble, then you better laugh at the awkward jokes of your superiors, pal. In a liberal state, a model citizen is not expect to serve in the military, as much as be constantly friendly. The bureaucrats might get offended if you don’t look content. Humanitarians don’t care if your income taxes are current as much as they want you to be continually jolly.
In a democracy, you are expected to have an appropriate look of gratitude when you go to the polls.
The louder your laugh, the lower your IQ – it is as simple as that. Something about the desire to remain happy causes the analytic portion of the cerebellum to atrophy, causes the neurons to wither away, causes the brain cells to pass into that good night. Joy makes a human being to go stupid – and the authorities rather appreciate this limited mental capacity in the population. Dumb and happy voters keep a democracy running smoothly and sleekly. Mindless and mirth-filled assholes, like all of you reading these words, is exactly what the authorities want. The happier you are, the less you will understand about what the communitarians are actually doing to you.
There is a reason why fascists sought to organize an official “Joy Division.” Happiness is tyrannical. Any focus of your life that depends on other people ends-up becoming totalitarian.
The longer your guffaw, the more you demonstrate your place in the herd. Happiness is always a measure of your successful indoctrination. The better that you are integrated into society, the bigger the smile on your face. If you aren’t perpetually happy, then you just aren’t fitting in. If you aren’t chipper, then you just don’t care about other people.
Remember how your elementary-school teachers always thought you were odd for not enjoying physical education? If you didn’t race around the playground with a constant grin on your face, you would have run the risk of being sent to the school psychologist. And if you didn’t act suitably enthusiastic during the dodge ball episode, the school counselor would have taken you into his office for a closed-door session. Just as when you are battered on the playing field, or when you are buggered in the vice principal's office – the administrators invariably expect your face to be gratefully beaming when you pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
If you don’t spend your free time waiting in line for rides at a theme park, the rest of society is going to get suspicious. The security guards will be keeping an eye on you if you aren’t strenuously amusing yourself. Your neighbors are going to think that you might be a psychopath if you don’t want to go to Disneyland on your vacation. There is a reason why the authorities take drooling retards to Disney World on field trips. Amusement parks exist to break down your uniqueness and make you one of the crowd. Buy those Mickey Mouse ears – or else.
You better be perky or the normal folk just aren’t going to think you are a nice person.
Ever notice how all the actors in broadcast advertisements are always shown to be euphoric? You see a woman scarfing down a tube of microwaved junk food – and the expression on her face makes it look as if the artificial ingredients are given her a massive orgasm. The corporate interests are not just telling you what to buy – but how to behave. Advertising teaches not so much what to acquire, but adverts train you how to act. Corporate promotions are not just about what to consume, but how to conduct yourself. A shopper is always supposed to be smiling.
Put on a happy face, cocksucker.
Monday, October 31, 2016
Monday, October 24, 2016
by Mr. Mean-Spirited
Any idiot can keep fighting, but it takes a certain depth of character to accept that things are hopeless. Any imbecile can remain in the trenches, but it takes particular courage to acknowledge that you are helpless. Sometimes it takes more bravery to slink away than to march into battle. Sometimes it is better to toss in the towel than to keep wiping. Sometimes it is better to blow your nose than to keep picking out chunks of snot.
Any citizen can claim to be a patriot, but you have to truly love the country to recognize that America is finished. It always takes a greater understanding of the Classics to determine that Western civilization has ended than it does to consume mass culture. It always takes more faith to acknowledge that Christianity has failed than it does to get on your knees. When there is writing on the wall, it takes a certain strength of will to keep reading to the bitter end.
You cannot look at the contemporary United States and honestly believe that it is possible to fix this mess. There is no political candidate who will kiss your hurt and make it all better. It is too far gone for that. You are not going to be hired for some new job that will ever give you the financial prosperity that you were promised in school. There is no lady out there who will ever fall in love with you and fill that emptiness in your heart. You have no future. There is nothing left for you.
Even if you were somehow able to repair the social order, are there really any citizens that are truly worth saving? Even if you were able to salvage the system, is there anyone on this planet worth the sacrifice to yourself? Would you actually give your life to protect any of your countrymen? The nation let you down; your own family screwed you over; and all your lovers have betrayed you.
You owe your race only as much as it has done for you: nothing. You are supposed to protect the same people that have continually double-crossed you? I think not. If all that women have ever done is stab you in the back, then it would only put your own life at risk to extend a helping hand. Perhaps your only real duty is to yourself.
The “black pill” is a moment of reckoning. The black pill is an awareness that there is something wrong with the social order, a something that can never be fixed. The black pill is a metaphysical apprehension that there is basic flaw to existence itself. Because of this primordial defect to life, the black pill is an understanding that all you can ever trust is your own ego. The black pill is a discernment that the only thing that matters is your own self.
The black pill is often confused with nihilism – but the black pill is not some abstract philosophical notion that life is without meaning. Quite the reverse. The black pill is a matter of practical experience, a calculation based on actual damage that has already been done to you. The black pill reveals an entire past history of harm done to you. If all the misfortunes in life were a simple result of random accident, then sheer chance would occasional throw something your way that might actually benefit you. But you never seem to get anything that helps you. The black pill is taken when you swallow your pride and realize that nothing good will every happen to you.
If you cannot win, then the wisest thing is not to give-up – but to desert your post. If you are facing certain defeat, then you should not surrender – but walk away and go AWOL. If all is lost, then the most important thing is to save yourself. Taking the black pill does not ever mean sacrificing yourself, just not living for anyone else. The bravest man does not die in battle, but goes missing in action.
There is nothing you can do to slow the decline, so you might as well give things a push on your way out. You ought to give the rotten structure a final kick as you sneak away. If the government ever evicts you from the family home, then you might as well leave the gas on when the police finally drag you out. If you take the black pill, then toss the empty medicine bottle through a neighbor’s window.
Any citizen can claim to be a patriot, but you have to truly love the country to recognize that America is finished. It always takes a greater understanding of the Classics to determine that Western civilization has ended than it does to consume mass culture. It always takes more faith to acknowledge that Christianity has failed than it does to get on your knees. When there is writing on the wall, it takes a certain strength of will to keep reading to the bitter end.
You cannot look at the contemporary United States and honestly believe that it is possible to fix this mess. There is no political candidate who will kiss your hurt and make it all better. It is too far gone for that. You are not going to be hired for some new job that will ever give you the financial prosperity that you were promised in school. There is no lady out there who will ever fall in love with you and fill that emptiness in your heart. You have no future. There is nothing left for you.
Even if you were somehow able to repair the social order, are there really any citizens that are truly worth saving? Even if you were able to salvage the system, is there anyone on this planet worth the sacrifice to yourself? Would you actually give your life to protect any of your countrymen? The nation let you down; your own family screwed you over; and all your lovers have betrayed you.
You owe your race only as much as it has done for you: nothing. You are supposed to protect the same people that have continually double-crossed you? I think not. If all that women have ever done is stab you in the back, then it would only put your own life at risk to extend a helping hand. Perhaps your only real duty is to yourself.
The “black pill” is a moment of reckoning. The black pill is an awareness that there is something wrong with the social order, a something that can never be fixed. The black pill is a metaphysical apprehension that there is basic flaw to existence itself. Because of this primordial defect to life, the black pill is an understanding that all you can ever trust is your own ego. The black pill is a discernment that the only thing that matters is your own self.
The black pill is often confused with nihilism – but the black pill is not some abstract philosophical notion that life is without meaning. Quite the reverse. The black pill is a matter of practical experience, a calculation based on actual damage that has already been done to you. The black pill reveals an entire past history of harm done to you. If all the misfortunes in life were a simple result of random accident, then sheer chance would occasional throw something your way that might actually benefit you. But you never seem to get anything that helps you. The black pill is taken when you swallow your pride and realize that nothing good will every happen to you.
If you cannot win, then the wisest thing is not to give-up – but to desert your post. If you are facing certain defeat, then you should not surrender – but walk away and go AWOL. If all is lost, then the most important thing is to save yourself. Taking the black pill does not ever mean sacrificing yourself, just not living for anyone else. The bravest man does not die in battle, but goes missing in action.
There is nothing you can do to slow the decline, so you might as well give things a push on your way out. You ought to give the rotten structure a final kick as you sneak away. If the government ever evicts you from the family home, then you might as well leave the gas on when the police finally drag you out. If you take the black pill, then toss the empty medicine bottle through a neighbor’s window.
Friday, October 14, 2016
by Mr. Mean-Spirited
I am an old fuck. I have lived so damn long that I can still remember when the American economy was actually thriving. I can remember when it was still possible for a citizen to walk around a major city without being raped or robbed. I can remember when you left a car running and unlocked when you bought staples in a grocery store. I can remember when you almost never glimpsed any foreigners on the street. And what happened? The liberals decided to make things better – and, like everything else the humanitarians try to improve, the do-gooders just ended-up destroying the United States forever. If you ever try to reform anything, you only end-up ruining things.
Just as your mother always told that you are what you eat – the same is true of the body politic. If you allow Third World nationals into the country, then you become a Third-World nation. How has welcoming all these immigrants into America made life better for me? You will say that this is a selfish question. And so it is. Yet, an immigrant coming to this country for a better life is acting just as selfish. Logically, a foreigner coming to the United States is behaving just as self-centered as the citizen who doesn’t want him here. Altruists might see suffering in different places in the world, but they are invariably blind to one thing: a double standard.
If it is reasonable not to allow an alien species like Zika virus into the country, then it must be equally rational not to want the human hosts here either. That is just basic ecology. If you don’t want an invasive species of insect life, you don’t want an invasive species of human life either.
You can defeat a country by an invasion from a foreign army, but you destroy it all that more thoroughly by making the citizens start to feel sorry for outsiders. A civilization goes down when the people start to feel pity for someone they have never met. A culture can only remain strong when it maintains a healthy suspicion of strangers.
Just the other day, I observed a “refugee family” buying junk food at a convenience store with a state EBT card. The immigrant males had already acclimatized themselves to Western garb, but the women still retained their native garments. And they were pushing around a deformed adolescent – with flippers for hands and flippers for feet. More like some exotic sea creature than a human being. The juvenile was half-covered by a dank raincoat, and a foamy substance was dribbling from its lips. They were pulling him around in – I kid you not – a red wagon. Back when I was a child I had a vintage Radio Flyer too, but I didn’t tote around hideous monstrosities in the wagon. The American taxpayers will be stuck paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to maintain that creature. Money that could have been spent to on your own old-age care, money that could have been spent on national infrastructure. Now you will have a more shitty life because some liberals felt all compassionate about that … that thing in a wagon.
Those fucking liberals should have been focused more on their own retirement care, not on bringing in worthless creatures from the other side of the world.
I am an old fuck. I have lived so damn long that I can still remember when the American economy was actually thriving. I can remember when it was still possible for a citizen to walk around a major city without being raped or robbed. I can remember when you left a car running and unlocked when you bought staples in a grocery store. I can remember when you almost never glimpsed any foreigners on the street. And what happened? The liberals decided to make things better – and, like everything else the humanitarians try to improve, the do-gooders just ended-up destroying the United States forever. If you ever try to reform anything, you only end-up ruining things.
Just as your mother always told that you are what you eat – the same is true of the body politic. If you allow Third World nationals into the country, then you become a Third-World nation. How has welcoming all these immigrants into America made life better for me? You will say that this is a selfish question. And so it is. Yet, an immigrant coming to this country for a better life is acting just as selfish. Logically, a foreigner coming to the United States is behaving just as self-centered as the citizen who doesn’t want him here. Altruists might see suffering in different places in the world, but they are invariably blind to one thing: a double standard.
If it is reasonable not to allow an alien species like Zika virus into the country, then it must be equally rational not to want the human hosts here either. That is just basic ecology. If you don’t want an invasive species of insect life, you don’t want an invasive species of human life either.
You can defeat a country by an invasion from a foreign army, but you destroy it all that more thoroughly by making the citizens start to feel sorry for outsiders. A civilization goes down when the people start to feel pity for someone they have never met. A culture can only remain strong when it maintains a healthy suspicion of strangers.
Just the other day, I observed a “refugee family” buying junk food at a convenience store with a state EBT card. The immigrant males had already acclimatized themselves to Western garb, but the women still retained their native garments. And they were pushing around a deformed adolescent – with flippers for hands and flippers for feet. More like some exotic sea creature than a human being. The juvenile was half-covered by a dank raincoat, and a foamy substance was dribbling from its lips. They were pulling him around in – I kid you not – a red wagon. Back when I was a child I had a vintage Radio Flyer too, but I didn’t tote around hideous monstrosities in the wagon. The American taxpayers will be stuck paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to maintain that creature. Money that could have been spent to on your own old-age care, money that could have been spent on national infrastructure. Now you will have a more shitty life because some liberals felt all compassionate about that … that thing in a wagon.
Those fucking liberals should have been focused more on their own retirement care, not on bringing in worthless creatures from the other side of the world.
Thursday, October 6, 2016
by Mr. Mean-Spirited
There are many bad things that you might possibly do in life, but there are few things as downright evil as adoption.
Adoption is an attempt to contravene fate. Horrible things happen in life. Not all children are meant to survive. If the parents of a brat should die, perhaps that is God’s way of showing that the entire genetic line should be eradicated.
Not all children deserve to be loved. Not all kids should be happy. Not all youngsters are going to get hugged. Sometimes the little bastard is just fated to suffer. And you shouldn’t interfere in that destiny. Just as there ought to be a non-interference principle between cultures at the larger level, so there needs to be a non-interference policy between human beings at the local level.
Question: What would Jesus do if He saw a tearful child alone in the world? Answer: Nothing. Nothing at all. Not His concern.
So what if some juvenile goes hungry? No skin off my back. So what if some bastard has no father? No foreskin off my dick.
Back when I was in elementary school, the greatest insult that you could hurl at another child was not that he is a fag, but that he was adopted. Being adopted is a character flaw. Even at an early age, a kid can sense that adoption goes against the natural order of things.
The adoption industry has a vested interested in making you feel guilty about parentless children. The more you feel a social obligation, the more money that these professional altruists are able to extract in adoption fees. Whenever a third-world government wants money from gullible Westerners, one of the easiest sources of funding is from liberals who feel bad when they see news reports about starving children. Adoption is just another scam. All that I am suggesting is that you have no obligation to do anything whatsoever for someone else’s kids. Whenever you hear it said that you have a social obligation to help the less fortunate, you know that those unfortunates are going to help themselves to your wallet.
Adoption causes psychological damage not just to the child – but adoption is equally destructive to the host parents as well. Bringing a strange child into your home distorts your normal family tradition. Like some horrific parasite, the adopted child consumes the biological family. And that adolescent adoptee is likely to steal your collection of transsexual porn, if he thinks those slimy DVDs will bring him enough cash to buy drugs. Save your personality and pornography – and do not ever succumb to the vice of adoption.
An adopted child is an out-of-place child. A rootless child is a retarded child. Adopted children not only have lower IQs on average, but they also bring down the intelligence level of the host family they infest.
Children belong in the culture in which they were created – not passed around like a bad penny. You do not, for instance, take an American Indian child and raise him in an Anglo family – that would be an assault upon thousands of years of Native tradition. Adoption is an attack upon your familial culture.
An adopted child is a genetic insult to the family line. An orphan child is something that does not involve you – and any attempt to better this alien creature will only impoverish your own biological offspring. An adopted child is an affront to thousands of years of familial DNA.
A parentless child is not your responsibility. In life, you do what you have to do – but when you take on someone else’s burden, you become a nuisance to everyone around you. Someone else’s misfortune is a perfect chance for you to mind your own business. A wise man accepts bad luck, while a fool always tries to make everything better.
Children are disposable creatures. Children belong where and with whom they were conceived – and not in alien environment. Back during the Old West, only a quarter of all offspring ever managed to survive childhood. That is the way things should be – existence is a traumatic thing. Some children are just meant to be orphans, so get over it.
A civilization cannot afford to be squeamish about children. A crying child is like an injured animal beside the road. You feel bad about the dumb creature, but the carnage simply isn’t your problem. Just as you would not stop for an orphaned fawn, you should not bother trying to help an orphaned kid. Whenever you see a suffering child, just keep going.
One more hungry kid in the world means you – yes, you – can have that second helping – and eat that extra food in peace and quiet. A child in need is a golden opportunity to do nothing. And by doing nothing, you ensure that only the fittest survive.
Adoption is an attempt to contravene fate. Horrible things happen in life. Not all children are meant to survive. If the parents of a brat should die, perhaps that is God’s way of showing that the entire genetic line should be eradicated.
Not all children deserve to be loved. Not all kids should be happy. Not all youngsters are going to get hugged. Sometimes the little bastard is just fated to suffer. And you shouldn’t interfere in that destiny. Just as there ought to be a non-interference principle between cultures at the larger level, so there needs to be a non-interference policy between human beings at the local level.
Question: What would Jesus do if He saw a tearful child alone in the world? Answer: Nothing. Nothing at all. Not His concern.
So what if some juvenile goes hungry? No skin off my back. So what if some bastard has no father? No foreskin off my dick.
Back when I was in elementary school, the greatest insult that you could hurl at another child was not that he is a fag, but that he was adopted. Being adopted is a character flaw. Even at an early age, a kid can sense that adoption goes against the natural order of things.
The adoption industry has a vested interested in making you feel guilty about parentless children. The more you feel a social obligation, the more money that these professional altruists are able to extract in adoption fees. Whenever a third-world government wants money from gullible Westerners, one of the easiest sources of funding is from liberals who feel bad when they see news reports about starving children. Adoption is just another scam. All that I am suggesting is that you have no obligation to do anything whatsoever for someone else’s kids. Whenever you hear it said that you have a social obligation to help the less fortunate, you know that those unfortunates are going to help themselves to your wallet.
Adoption causes psychological damage not just to the child – but adoption is equally destructive to the host parents as well. Bringing a strange child into your home distorts your normal family tradition. Like some horrific parasite, the adopted child consumes the biological family. And that adolescent adoptee is likely to steal your collection of transsexual porn, if he thinks those slimy DVDs will bring him enough cash to buy drugs. Save your personality and pornography – and do not ever succumb to the vice of adoption.
An adopted child is an out-of-place child. A rootless child is a retarded child. Adopted children not only have lower IQs on average, but they also bring down the intelligence level of the host family they infest.
Children belong in the culture in which they were created – not passed around like a bad penny. You do not, for instance, take an American Indian child and raise him in an Anglo family – that would be an assault upon thousands of years of Native tradition. Adoption is an attack upon your familial culture.
An adopted child is a genetic insult to the family line. An orphan child is something that does not involve you – and any attempt to better this alien creature will only impoverish your own biological offspring. An adopted child is an affront to thousands of years of familial DNA.
A parentless child is not your responsibility. In life, you do what you have to do – but when you take on someone else’s burden, you become a nuisance to everyone around you. Someone else’s misfortune is a perfect chance for you to mind your own business. A wise man accepts bad luck, while a fool always tries to make everything better.
Children are disposable creatures. Children belong where and with whom they were conceived – and not in alien environment. Back during the Old West, only a quarter of all offspring ever managed to survive childhood. That is the way things should be – existence is a traumatic thing. Some children are just meant to be orphans, so get over it.
A civilization cannot afford to be squeamish about children. A crying child is like an injured animal beside the road. You feel bad about the dumb creature, but the carnage simply isn’t your problem. Just as you would not stop for an orphaned fawn, you should not bother trying to help an orphaned kid. Whenever you see a suffering child, just keep going.
One more hungry kid in the world means you – yes, you – can have that second helping – and eat that extra food in peace and quiet. A child in need is a golden opportunity to do nothing. And by doing nothing, you ensure that only the fittest survive.
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